1楼主 ~~~~2008/3/11 18:08:00
The first step in the transition from the loose alliance of separate local clubs into a national organisation was the appointment of a seat of government or "governing branch." The members residing in one town were charged with the responsibility of conducting the current business of the whole society, as well as that of their own branch. The branch officers and the branch committee of this town accord-ingly became the central authority.? Here again the leading idea was not so much to get a government that was representative of the society as to make each section take its turn at the privileges and burdens of administration. The seat of government was accordingly always changed at short intervals, often by rotation. Thus the Steam- Engine Makers' rules of 1826 "provide that” the central branch of the society shall be held alternately at the different ranches of this society, according as they stand on the books, commencing With Branch No. I, and the secretary of the central branch shall, after the accounts of the former year have' been balanced, send the books to the next central branch of the society." I In other cases the seat of government was periodically deter-mined by vote of the whole body of members,? who appear usually to have been strongly biased in favour of shifting it from town to town. The reason appear this statement by one of the lodges of the Ironfounders: What, we ask has been the history of nearly every trade society in this respect? Why, that when any branch or section of it has possessed the governing power too long, it has become care-less of the society's interests," tried to assume irresponsible powers, and invariably by its remissness opened wide the doors of peculation, jobbery, and fraud." ~
The first step in the transition from the loose alliance of separate local clubs into a national organisation was the appointment of a seat of government or "governing branch." The members residing in one town were charged with the responsibility of conducting the current business of the whole society, as well as that of their own branch. 翻译器翻出来的实在不是人话~~~~跪谢了!!!!!!!
2 ~~~~2008/3/11 18:42:00
The first step in the transition from the loose alliance of separate local clubs into a national organisation was the appointment of a seat of government or "governing branch." The members residing in one town were charged with the responsibility of conducting the current business of the whole society, as well as that of their own branch.
3 TRY一下2008/3/11 18:46:00
顺便祝你论文能顺利翻译过关.......- -|||