


1741某J发表于:2007/6/2 0:37:00

牽走1740的滾被單~~~ >////////////<

1742S型Kurara发表于:2007/6/2 1:00:00


1743发表于:2007/6/2 1:28:00



1744某J发表于:2007/6/2 7:47:00

安安爲什麽要躲開…… XDDDDDDDDD

1745款式发表于:2007/6/2 8:07:00






1746karis发表于:2007/6/2 10:25:00


1747安扑仓发表于:2007/6/2 11:40:00


还有~~某J那三本书中间一本MS是 仓安-丸?


1748款式发表于:2007/6/2 12:06:00


所以中间那本如果是 大仓X安田 - 丸山


如果是  大仓x安田 <- 丸山,那是仓安,加丸喜欢安

1749かちん发表于:2007/6/2 12:38:00


1750安扑仓发表于:2007/6/2 12:44:00



不过这个名称还真的很搞... =  =b

1751安安婆婆发表于:2007/6/2 13:00:00



1752款式发表于:2007/6/2 13:33:00


1753款式发表于:2007/6/2 13:51:00


1754安安婆婆发表于:2007/6/2 13:54:00




1755款式发表于:2007/6/2 14:04:00




1756安安婆婆发表于:2007/6/2 14:10:00




1757款式发表于:2007/6/2 14:17:00


1758安安婆婆发表于:2007/6/2 14:30:00


1759安安婆婆发表于:2007/6/2 14:32:00



1760偷文盗贼发表于:2007/6/2 14:43:00

Looking back, Ohkura couldn’t figure out how this thing with Yasuda had started. In stories and movies and manga, he’d heard tales of people just starting to get more and more touchy-feely with their friends. But he’d never believed that to be possible. Making out with your best friend just for the hell of it? Who did that? And he and Yasuda were both boys.

But one day, they were both sitting on the couch, and Ohkura had looked over at Yasuda, and the smaller boy was staring right back, and something had to have happened because Yasuda suddenly crawled across the couch and straddled Ohkura’s legs and they kissed. And they stayed like that until Yasuda went home.

Neither of them mentioned it to each other. They didn’t even really talk when it happened. It just happened. And that’s what Ohkura didn’t understand. You don’t just suddenly start making out with your friend. It’s not the way it works.

In Ohkura’s mind, you’d meet that special someone and it would just click! And then you’d go on a date, and then a second, and then a third, and then maybe you’d kiss when you brought her home. But Yasuda wasn’t even a ‘her’. He was a ‘him’, and they never dated, much less dated three times. He wasn’t even so sure he’d ever brought Yasuda home.

Which is why he had invited Yasuda over to his house again. He wanted to see if it would happen for a second time, and if it did, what would trigger it. And if it didn’t happen again, he wanted to ask Yasuda why he’d crawled onto his lap like that.

Ohkura knew it wasn’t totally Yasuda’s fault, though. Yasuda had crawled onto his lap, but Ohkura’d been the one to bring their mouths together. And it wasn’t like he’d pushed Yasuda away once the kiss was deepened. He’d only helped turn it into a full-blown make-out session.

That made him worry even more, though. What if Yasuda hadn’t wanted it at all, and thought Ohkura was macking on him and was just being kind about it? And what if Yasuda thought he was some big pervert and didn’t want to be friends with him anymore? What if Yasuda wanted a restraining order?

Seeing movement out of the corner of his eye, Ohkura’s head snapped up to see Yasuda standing right in front of him, holding a nicely-packaged chocolate box and wrapped in a little light blue scarf.

“How did you get in?” Ohkura asked, his eyes wide.

“The door wasn’t locked.”


Yasuda smiled one of his bright, Yasuda-tastic smiles and held the box out in front of himself, offering it to Ohkura. “I brought you a gift,” he announced. He didn't even flinch when Ohkura took the box and brushed his fingers against the smaller boy’s.

So much for the restraining order worries.

“You can sit down,” Ohkura offered, but then began to fret that if they sat on the couch together, it would all happen again just by coincidence. So he pointed to the arm chair across from the couch. “There.”

“Is something wrong with the couch?” Yasuda asked, moving closer to Ohkura to get a better look at where the taller man had just been sitting. Too close for comfort.

“Uh... I spilled something on it.”

Yasuda flashed another sunny smile. “Silly Tacchon,” he whispered, staring up into Ohkura’s eyes while standing on his tiptoes. Ohkura gulped.

“Uhhh... I’ll go get those drinks now!”

Once he’d escaped to the kitchen, Ohkura clutched his shirt over his heart. It was beating too fast. This whole ‘accidentally making out’ thing was much too stressful. He didn’t get why the movies wanted to romanticize it so much. It wasn’t half the fun that they made it seem like.

“Do you need any help?” Yasuda yelled from the living area.


“Are you okay?”

“Yes,” Ohkura replied, lowering his voice and trying to sound less urgent. He took the tea out of the fridge and poured two glasses before heading back to his doom.

But he couldn’t think of anything to say. The only thing that popped into his mind while he watched Yasuda drink the tea and page through a racing magazine was Yasuda’s lips on his own, his tongue in Yasuda’s mouth. It wasn’t too comforting to be having those types of thoughts while the person they concerned was sitting right across from you.

He didn’t like having to stare at Yasuda. Maybe he should have let the older man sit on the couch.

“Practice was really fun today, ne~!” Yasuda said, ending it with a wistful little sigh.

That time, the only thing that came to mind was ‘cute’, so Ohkura replied with a simple, “Yeah.”

“Your drumming is really improving, Tacchon~!” Yasuda gave a pretty little grin, and looked almost shy. “Not that it wasn’t good in the first place.”

Ohkura couldn’t help but absently wonder if Yasuda was flirting with him. But he brushed it off as an aftermath of what had happened a few days ago.

“I’m really glad we’re in Kanjani8 together, Tacchon. I feel so proud to be in a group with so many hard workers. It makes me want to try my hardest, too!”

“Cute...” That time, Ohkura said it out loud. He hadn’t tried to. It just slipped.

Yasuda blushed, but his smile widened and he refused to meet Ohkura’s gaze as he stared down at his hands, fidgeting nervously. “Me?”

Ohkura couldn’t lie. So what else was he supposed to do? “Yeah...”


“Uh... no problem.”

They sat there in silence for a while, Yasuda smiling all huge and inspecting his fingernails while Ohkura stared at him with a dumbfounded expression.

