


1801款式发表于:2007/6/3 15:19:00



1802偷文盗贼发表于:2007/6/3 15:23:00

Out of Line

The rules imposed on them were pretty brutal, even if they weren't as harsh as those for the Tokyo juniors. No hanging out in public places where lots of people gather. Disguise yourself in public. Don't talk to strangers. Always note that you could be watched and be on guard. Don't do anything illegal. And above anything else, never be seen with anyone of the opposite sex.

Ohkura and Yasuda's relationship slipped through all of this. There were no girls involved, and few people cared about their behavior. As long as they didn't do anything in public, there was nothing to be worried about.

It began six months after Ohkura and Yasuda started dating. The pair were practically joined at the hip. No one really minded, and their relationship didn't interfere with the groups commitments. But then something happened.

Subaru was out one Saturday night and on his way home he spotted Ohkura. That wasn't the issue. The problem was that Ohkura was with a girl. She wore a high school uniform and wore her hair in pigtails. She wore sunglasses and a scarf, and although Subaru couldn't make out her face, Ohkura's was unmistakable.

Subaru wanted to charge up to Ohkura and slap him across the face, but he managed to stop himself. He watched as Ohkura kissed her passionately, and then how Ohkura offered her his hand and followed her into a taxi. To say Subaru was furious was an understatement. He picked up his phone and it was only after he dialed Yasuda's number that he wondered how he was going to say it. He couldn't tell Yasuda. How could he? Part of him was thankful that Yasuda didn't pick up.

Subaru couldn't sleep that night, and by the time Ohkura walked into rehearsal with Yasuda the next morning, Subaru couldn't take it anymore. He purposely bumped into Ohkura, and as calmly as he could through clenched teeth told Ohkura, "We need to talk."

Ohkura blinked at him, excused himself and followed Subaru out of the room. The second they entered an empty practice studio, Subaru slammed the door and turned on Ohkura. He pushed the taller man into the wall and glared at him for a long moment. "If you hurt him," Subaru said, expression dead serious, "I'll kill you."

Ohkura had no idea what as happening. He was completely taken aback as he squirmed slightly against Subaru. "What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" Subaru hissed. "I saw you last night! What the hell were you thinking?"

Ohkura tried to figure out what Subaru was going on about. Was it because he went out last night? Was it because Subaru recognized him? "I'm sorry. I didn't take the right precautions, and--"

Ohkura was cut off when Subaru slapped him across the face. Ohkura barely had time to respond, as Subaru's hands were dangerously close to his neck almost instantly. "If you hurt him again," Subaru said with deceptive calmness, his eyes as cold as ice. "I'll kill you." With that, he threw Ohkura down and stormed out of the room.

Ohkura held his cheek, both confused and terrified. What the hell was going on?

When Ohkura composed himself enough to return to rehearsal, Yasuda asked him what happened. Ohkura opened his mouth to answer and Subaru glared at him from across the room.

Ohkura scratched his head. "I'm not sure," Ohkura told Yasuda, truthfully.


1803偷文盗贼发表于:2007/6/3 15:24:00

Murakami knew he wasn't the most observant person in the world, but it became clear to him that Subaru was angry about something. For one thing, Subaru was irritable all day, and snapped at anyone who approached him. At lunch, Ryo had handed Subaru a water bottle and Subaru had absentmindedly crushed it with his bare hands. No one had gone near him since.

Murakami sighed. He was torn between whether to help his friend or avoid Subaru's mood swings like everyone else. It wasn't until Subaru began muttering things under his breath that Murakami decided he had to do something. At the end of the day, he pulled Subaru aside and suggested they should have dinner together. Subaru glared at him in response.

Unperturbed, Murakami grabbed Subaru's hand and dragged Subaru to his place. For his part, Subaru complied, seeming somewhat thankful for the distraction, although it was clear his mind was elsewhere. They sat down on Murakami's couch playing Super Smash Brothers and it seemed to be what Subaru needed. Strings of curse words left his mouth as he beat the crap out of anything that got near his player.

Murakami laughed at first, but after about ten minutes, he turned off the system, cornered Subaru and demanded, "Tell me what's going on."

Subaru twitched.

Murakami sighed, grabbed Subaru by the shoulders and said, "Tell me before you self-detonate."

Subaru was stiff for a moment, and then met Murakami's eyes. His words were cold and angry when he said, "I saw Ohkura with a girl last night."

Murakami's grip on Subaru loosened. "There must be some mistake."

Subaru brushed Murakami's arms off. "I confronted him today and he didn't even deny it."

Murakami swallowed. "...does Yasu know?" he asked, still trying to process it.

"You saw them today." Subaru's hands were in tight fists. "There's no way he does."

Murakami buried his face in his hands. "Oh my god..."

Subaru looked around, before letting out a low sound of aggravation and punching the wall. His bare fist dented the plaster.


The next day was worse. All day, Subaru and Murakami sat in the corner glaring at Ohkura and Yasuda's cutesy behavior and muttering amongst themselves. No only really paid them much attention, but at the end of the day, it was Yasuda that confronted them. Looking down at the ground, he shifted nervously. "Did I do something to make you angry?" he asked, barely looking up at them under his bangs.

Subaru frowned and bit his lip. "No."

Murakami ventured to ask, "How are things between you and Ohkura?"

Yasuda brightened dramatically. "Great! It was our six month anniversary last weekend."

Subaru stiffened, his nails digging into his palms as he thought of all the different ways he could kill Ohkura with a only a bobby pin.

Murakami was thankfully much calmer. "Is that so? Congratulations!"

Yasuda beamed and after a little small talk, excused himself to leave with Ohkura.

When they were out of earshot, Murakami turned to Subaru, who was fuming. "I'll kill him," Subaru said. "I'll kill him with my bare hands."

Murakami patted Subaru on the back. He couldn't think of a good way to calm him down. Deep inside, he was just as disappointed and angry with Ohkura.


The next morning, Murakami arrived to find only Ohkura there. Ohkura had his eyes closed, his head bopping up and down as he tapped out a rhythm on the back of a chair.

Murakami crossed the room and took a seat next to him. "Ohkura. Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Ohkura stopped, and watched Murakami carefully. He hadn't missed that Murakami was sending him death glares now too. He unconsciously shifted away, his brow furrowed in hesitant fear, when he nodded.

Murakami took a deep breath. "Who were you with on Saturday night?"

"Didn't Subaru say he saw me?"

Murakami's own hands turned into fists. "...so it's true then?"

Ohkura raised an eyebrow. "What's true?"

But just then Maru and Yasuda entered and by the time Yasuda had bounced his way across the room to Ohkura, Murakami had made his exit.

Murakami found Subaru in the hall, and they punched the crap out of a defenseless chair in a storeroom. They didn't want to hurt Yasuda, but they both knew they had to do something.


1804偷文盗贼发表于:2007/6/3 15:25:00

That evening, Yasuda lay on Ohkura's couch with his head in Ohkura's lap. Ohkura stroked his hair, but it was clear that the drummer was bothered by the way certain bandmates of his were treating him.

Yasuda sighed, and sat up. "I'm sure it's nothing," he told his boyfriend.

Ohkura looked miserable. "I don't get it," he said. "How could Subaru seeing me Saturday night make both him and Murakami want to tear me to shreds?"

Yasuda hugged him. "I know you didn't wear a hat or anything, but this is overkill." He gave Ohkura a tight squeeze and pulled away. "Why don't I make us some tea?"

Ohkura offered Yasuda a small smile. "I'd like that."

No sooner than Yasuda had disappeared around the corner into the kitchen, there was a knock at the door. Yasuda went to answer it, but Ohkura beat him to it.

"Is Yasu here?"

Yasuda peered out from the doorframe to the kitchen, and saw Murakami looking into Ohkura's empty living room.

"We really need to talk," Murakami said, voice completely serious, and Yasuda was shocked to see the usually cheery and calm Murakami push his way into the apartment. Subaru followed, looking as angry as he had all week, silently twisting his hat to kingdom come in his hands.

Yasuda wanted to run to Ohkura. He wanted to stand in front of him and demand Murakami and Subaru explain what they were doing. Just as he was about to rush into the living room, Murakami said, "We know about the girl," and Yasuda froze.

Ohkura blinked. "What?"

"I saw you two together on Saturday night," Subaru said, and Yasuda could hear that Subaru was trying to control his temper.

Yasuda turned back into the kitchen and slumped to the ground. Back against the wall, he listened out of sight to the occupants of the next room.

"Is that what this is about?" Ohkura asked.

"I saw you kiss her and get into a taxi with her! This is serious!" Subaru shouted. "What if--" Yasuda could hear Subaru take a deep breath before continuing. "What if Yasu found out?"

Yasuda covered his mouth with his hands to keep any sounds from coming out. The odd behavior. The death glares. Suddenly it all made sense.

"It's not what you think!" Ohkura protested, and Yasuda heard a slap.

"I'm disappointed in you," Murakami said harshly. "You know better than this!"

Yasuda heard struggling and peered around the corner to see Subaru holding Ohkura against the wall. "I told you!" he hissed. "I told you that if you hurt Yasu, I'd kill you!"

Yasuda has never heard Subaru say such words. He'd feel a little more touched by them if he didn't have a hundred more pressing thoughts running through his head -- mainly, the business of two of his friends threatening to kill his boyfriend.

Subaru let out a sound that could only be described as a frustrated growl. Ohkura turned his head away, expecting a blow, but after a few shaky breaths and some prodding from Murakami, Subaru let Ohkura go. "You got yourself into this," Subaru told Ohkura. "Now get yourself out. Break up with her," he ordered.

"But--" Ohkura protested, but was quickly cut off when Murakami grabbed him by the collar.

"If I see Yasu cry at all," he said, his face inches from Ohkura's, "I'll make you wish you were never born." With that, Murakami threw Ohkura roughly to the ground.

With a few final glares, Subaru and Murakami made their exit, slamming the door behind them.

After taking a moment to process what he had just heard, Yasuda emerged from the kitchen and marched up to Ohkura, a determined look in his eye.

Ohkura looked ragged, tired, and about thirty seconds away from slamming his head into a wall and passing out. He met Yasuda's gaze weakly.

Yasuda took a deep breath, and then broke down laughing.

Ohkura groaned and brought his hand to his head.

Still laughing, Yasuda sat on his knees and put an arm around Ohkura. "At least we know why they're so angry," he pointed out.

"But that doesn't change the fact they want my head on a stick."

It was then that Yasuda came up with a plan. "The outfit is still in your room, right?"

Ohkura looked at Yasuda like he was crazy, but nodded.

Yasuda rubbed his hands together with a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. "Then tomorrow we're going to settle this once and for all."


Ohkura arrived to the studio an hour early and looked around nervously. Ohkura wasn't sure Yasuda's plan was going to work. In fact, he was very sure it would get him killed, but what choice did he have?

He took a seat on the couch, and looked up when he heard someone arrive. "Anyone around?" Yasuda asked from the doorway.

Ohkura let out a sigh of relief it wasn't someone else. "No. We're the only ones here," he answered.

"Good." Yasuda said, taking off a long black coat and resting it on the back of a chair. He turned around to face Ohkura and grinned. Ohkura automatically blushed. Yasuda was wearing the same high school uniform he had been wearing on Saturday night. The navy sailor top matched the skirt that ended mid-thigh on him. Ohkura couldn't help but stare.

He was broken from his trace when Yasuda laughed and turned towards the mirror. Yasuda was busy splitting his hair and tying it into tiny pigtails on either side of his head. "Can you get the hair extensions out of my bag?" he asked, and Ohkura went to retrieve them.

Ohkura watched Yasuda in awe. It was almost ridiculous how easily Yasuda pulled off the schoolgirl look.

When Yasuda finished with his hair, he twirled around in front of Ohkura, and grinned. "How do I look?"

Ohkura smiled. "You look wonderful," he said, and crossed the space between them to capture Yasuda's lips in a kiss. Yasuda kissed him back and Yasuda's hands found their way into Ohkura's hair, pulling his head down and deepening the kiss. Ohkura held Yasuda against him, and he almost forgot where they were.


A loud crashing noise from the direction of the door had Ohkura breaking the kiss and looking up like a frightened animal. In the doorway stood a very angry Subaru standing next to a shocked looking Maru.

"You little fuck!" Subaru shouted, and lunged for Ohkura. Ohkura instinctively moved back, but Yasuda, his back to the door, kept him in his place.

Maru managed to somewhat restrain Subaru, who was thrashing and shouting, "I'm going to kill you with my bare hands and thirty-five bobby pins!"

Ohkura swallowed nervously, and wanted to run away. Yasuda looked up at him winked, but Ohkura still was very sure he needed to run or risk being eaten alive. He was so distracted by looking for an escape route that he almost missed it when Murakami arrived.

Murakami pushed past Maru, who was still trying to control a rabid Subaru, took one look at the situation and glared at Ohkura. "I can't believe you!" he yelled.

Ohkura looked down at Yasuda for help, but the other boy just smiled impishly.

Murakami wasn't done with him yet. "It's bad enough that you did this to Yasu, but to bring her here!" Murakami was fuming. Even after the events of the past week, Ohkura couldn't recall seeing Murakami so mad. "I can't believe you!" he shouted. "You're despicable!" And with that, he lunged forward and grabbed Ohkura by the collar.

Yasuda began to giggle, and Murakami turned his head to look at him. Taking note of Yasuda, and Yasuda's appearance, Murakami's eyes went wide and he automatically let go of Ohkura. "You!" he breathed, shocked.

Yasuda waved.

And it happened to be at this moment that Subaru finally broke free from Maru and tackled Ohkura to the ground. For a moment, Ohkura was very sure he was going to be killed, but before Subaru could land a punch, Murakami had restrained him from behind. "Subaru!"

"Let go of me!" Subaru shouted, struggling. "I'm going to kill him for doing this to Yasu!"

"Subaru!" Murakami shouted again, this time shaking Subaru as he did so. "Yasu's right over there!"

Subaru whipped his head around, expecting to see Yasuda crying in the doorway, but instead his eyes met the same pretty girl's that he had seen on Saturday night. Yasuda flashed Subaru a peace sign and Subaru screamed, "What the hell!?"

Ohkura could physically feel the anger leave Subaru and let out a sigh of relief. He was saved. Murakami and a very confused Maru helped extract Subaru from Ohkura, and Yasuda knelt down on the ground next to his boyfriend. "I told you my plan would work," Yasuda said, smiling.

Ohkura sat up. "I thought I was going to die."

Yasuda stroked the side of his face. "I wouldn't let that happen to you," he said, and leaned forward to capture Ohkura's mouth in a kiss.

When the rest of their bandmates arrived, they were greeted by the sight of Yasuda in drag trying to eat Ohkura's face, and Subaru in the fetal position on the couch mumbling to no one in particular.

They didn't think much of it, and the day continued like nothing had ever happened.

1805安安婆婆发表于:2007/6/3 15:26:00


1806款式发表于:2007/6/3 15:29:00



1807安安婆婆发表于:2007/6/3 15:30:00



1808安安婆婆发表于:2007/6/3 15:31:00




1809款式发表于:2007/6/3 15:32:00


1810款式发表于:2007/6/3 15:34:00


另个理由貌似是ohyass念起来像oh yes


1811安安婆婆发表于:2007/6/3 15:41:00

很有创意的诺~~~~ =V= 偶觉得`~~


私下更喜欢安安的名字~》《~~~YASU YASU多可爱呀。。。

1812安安婆婆发表于:2007/6/3 15:41:00


误会啊。。。T   T

1813安安婆婆发表于:2007/6/3 15:48:00


又是很可爱的文~~~~很多电影语言》《 SUBA的描写让偶想起他的大妈装扮捏!一直叫着KILL YOU~~ORZ


1814款式发表于:2007/6/3 15:54:00


1815安安婆婆发表于:2007/6/3 15:58:00




1816安安婆婆发表于:2007/6/3 16:03:00





1817偷文盗贼发表于:2007/6/3 16:17:00

"Tacchon~," Yassan incorporated his beloved's name in a tune. "Let's sleep. We'll be leaving early tomorrow."
He set his bare foot on the dewy grass.
"I'm coming." Ohkura replied, but he didn't move.
"Stargazing again?" The short guy sat beside the man slacking on the meadows which was quite far from their group's hotel. "You've been doing that more frequently since the start of our tour here in Nagoya."
"It's because Nagoya has one of the loveliest views of the stars." Ohkura reasoned briefly. "Look up at them and I'm sure you'll appreciate it." He patted the space beside him, encouraging Yassan to lay beside him.
"But Tacchon... I'm already sleepy." Yassan wore a pout that he knew his lover will find hard to resist, but the guy was unfazed. He was still counting the bright heavenly bodies under his breath.
"Let's sleep, Tacchon. Please?" He tugged on the tall guy's light purple cotton shirt and shook his right shoulder, like a child who wants candy from his mother. "Oi, listen to me!" Within his persistence, he adored how tranquil Ohkura's expression was as he lay there. He smiled shortly. But still, the thought of Ohkura ignoring him was unbearable. Giving up, he let go of his hold and placed his arms across his chest. He frowned.
"Fine then. It seems like you love watching the stars more than you love me. HMPH." He was about to stand up when suddenly, the tall guy ganged up on him. They ended up sprawled on the grass, with his lover on top of him. The drummer intertwined his fingers with the guitarist's and held them tenderly on each side of his head. Yassan's heart beat loud and fast. He blushed.

"You're wrong..." He whispered, his breath caressing the shorter guy's left ear. "I was matching every star with a reason why I love you." The crisp midnight wind, their only witness, blew gently.

"And you know what? I was doing great... until I ran out of stars."

1818我愛安安发表于:2007/6/3 16:30:00







1819安安婆婆发表于:2007/6/3 16:31:00


1820安安婆婆发表于:2007/6/3 16:32:00

我爱安安 CHAN~~



