


1861偷文盗贼发表于:2007/6/4 20:01:00


It was true that Ohkura liked Yasuda in a way that was a little more than friendly. It was also true that Ohkura had no intention to ever tell Yasuda about these feelings, so he didn't think much of it when they ended up sharing a hotel room together while they were on tour. Ohkura was mature, calm and collected. He could share a hotel room with someone who was, first and foremost, one of his oldest and closest friends. After all, what was the worst that could happen?

At first, nothing did happen. Ohkura spent most of the first evening unpacking and watching a movie in Yoko and Maru's room. The second evening, he was exhausted from the days numerous practices and performances, and he was asleep the moment his head hit the pillow. But on the third night, Ohkura was awoken in the middle of the night when he heard Yasuda go to the bathroom. He was tired and in a dream-like haze, so Ohkura barely noticed when Yasuda lifted up his sheets and got into bed next to him. He was so out of it that he fell asleep without fully registering what was going on.

When Ohkura awoke the next morning, he didn't even remember anything until he rolled over to turn off the alarm clock and found himself face-to-face with a peacefully sleeping Yasuda. Ohkura was shocked, but the dream-like memory from the night before returned to him. He figured Yasuda had simply gotten into the wrong bed by accident, and got up to take a shower. When he emerged, soaking wet with a towel around his waist, Yasuda was going through his suitcase to pick out his outfit for the day. Yasuda said nothing about sleeping in Ohkura's bed, so Ohkura said nothing either, and they continued like nothing had ever happened.

And that was that, until the next morning, when Ohkura woke up and once again found himself sharing a pillow with Yasuda. Yasuda sighed happily in his sleep and shifted closer to Ohkura, unconsciously bringing their faces closer together. Ohkura blushed, pulled back, and went to take a shower. When he emerged, Yasuda was sitting on his own bed watching TV. He eyed Ohkura, but said nothing. Ohkura figured that it had to be some sort of coincidence.

But the next morning, it happened again, and this time, Yasuda was even closer to Ohkura and had a hand on Ohkura's bare chest. Ohkura knew he was blushing. He also knew that this couldn't be a coincidence. He wondered what kind of sick joke the universe was playing on him.

Yasuda sleeping in the same room he could deal with. He could even handle Yasuda sleeping in the same bed -- especially if it was an accident. But Yasuda sleeping alongside his body on purpose... Ohkura swallowed, not wanting to follow the train of thought. He had more important things to worry about and tried to focus on work. If he could only focus on work until the end of the week, maybe, just maybe, he could survive this.

When Ohkura emerged from the shower that morning, Yasuda was sitting up in his bed and smiling. Ohkura knew he was doomed.


That evening, Ohkura tried to keep himself awake. He wanted to be awake when Yasuda made his move. Just when he was starting to drift off to sleep, he heard the movement of blankets and the sound of delicate footsteps crossing the room. A moment later, his covers were lifted up and the mattress dipped under Yasuda's weight. Just as Yasuda made himself comfortable, Ohkura asked, "Yasu?"

Expecting Ohkura to be asleep, Yasuda jumped, but answered, "Yes?"

"You're in the wrong bed," Ohkura pointed out.

"I'm cold," Yasuda explained.

"But your bed is just as warm as mine," Ohkura reasoned.

"But you're warmer," Yasuda said and snuggled against Ohkura.

Ohkura said nothing. He was glad Yasuda couldn't see him squeeze his eyes closed at the feeling of Yasuda against his skin. He mentally cursed himself for sleeping shirtless.

After a long period of silence, Ohkura was sure Yasuda was asleep, but Yasuda asked, "Do you want me to leave?"

Ohkura took a deep breath. "No," he said and rolled over away from Yasuda. The fact he liked Yasuda was his own problem, not Yasuda's. There was no reason for Yasuda to suffer for it.

The next morning, Ohkura woke up to find his bed empty. Moments later, Yasuda came out of the bathroom with his towel around his waist and water dripping from his hair onto his shoulders and chest. This was the best and worst thing Ohkura could envision seeing first thing in the morning. When Yasuda told him the shower was free, he was more than happy to take one -- if nothing else, to get away from the nagging voice in his head for only a few minutes.

1862TOYAYOYO发表于:2007/6/4 20:02:00


1863偷文盗贼发表于:2007/6/4 20:02:00

The next night, before bed, Ohkura stared at Yasuda sitting on his own bed across the room. Yasuda caught him watching and smiled at him. This unnerved Ohkura, and despite the fact that he knew it was a bad idea, Ohkura said, "If you're going to end up sleeping with me anyway, why are you over there?"

Yasuda laughed and crossed the room to Ohkura's bed. The bedside lamp was still on, and Ohkura marveled at the way Yasuda smiled as he snuck his way under Ohkura's covers. Once he was comfortable with his head on Ohkura's pillow, Yasuda looked at Ohkura. "Thank you," he said.

"For what?"

Yasuda snuggled up against Ohkura. "For letting me do this."

Ohkura couldn't help but notice just how close together they were and swallowed the lump in his throat. He tried to think of a way to respond and failed. He eyed the lamp and figured not being able to see Yasuda would help keep him from doing something stupid and reached over to turn it off.

Ohkura closed his eyes and told himself to sleep. He told himself that Yasuda was just his friend and that it would be good not to do anything to jeopardize that. He told himself not to think about Yasuda at all.

Yasuda shifted and rested his head against Ohkura's chest. Ohkura inhaled sharply and tensed.

Ohkura heard Yasuda sigh and he picked himself up and off of Ohkura. A moment later, Ohkura was blinded when the lamp was turned on. He squinted in annoyance, and when he opened his eyes to adjust them to the new light level, Yasuda was sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to him. Ohkura immediately knew something was wrong.

"Yasu," Ohkura asked, sitting up. "What's wrong?"

"I'm an idiot," Yasuda said, not turning around. "I've screwed up."

Ohkura wasn't sure what he was expecting Yasuda to say, but this definitely wasn't it. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Yasuda let out a short laugh. "No."

All Ohkura cared about was making Yasuda feel better, so he acted on instinct and hugged Yasuda from behind. Even though Yasuda was tense in his arms, Ohkura rested his head on Yasuda's shoulder. Before he could say anything, Yasuda had pushed his arms away and turned around. "Don't touch me," he said, and for the first time, Ohkura saw the sad expression on Yasuda's face.

Ohkura mentally reprehended himself. Yasuda was his friend. What was he doing? "I'm sorry," he said, looking away.

This seemed to surprise Yasuda. "Why are you sorry? I'm the one who screwed up. I know you don't like me that way, so I apologize for..."

At this, Ohkura turned back to look at Yasuda. "You..."

But Yasuda stood up and turned away from Ohkura. "I'm sorry," he said. "I hope we can still be friends. Just... just forget this happened and in the morning, we'll go back to normal." Yasuda turned off the lamp, and Ohkura heard him walk across the room and get into his own bed.

Ohkura found himself blinking in the dark. He wasn't sure what had just happened. He tried to replay it in his mind, but it only came in bits and pieces. However, there was one thing Ohkura was very sure of. Fueled by Yasuda's confession, Ohkura knew that there was a chance. He wondered if he should take it. Part of him told him the answer was obvious, but Ohkura knew that there were other things to consider. For the first time in weeks, he let himself think about it. He let himself dwell and wonder and hope.

He was broken from his thoughts when he heard what was unmistakably a muffled sob from across the room. Ohkura suddenly knew what he had to do.

As quietly as he could, Ohkura got out of bed and walked to Yasuda's bed. In the dark, he fumbled around for the sheets, and when he lifted them, he heard Yasuda gasp. "What are you doing?" Yasuda asked, as Ohkura got into bed with him.

"I'm cold," Ohkura said.

Yasuda protested, "But you're supposed to forget this."

Ohkura reached out, and hugged Yasuda under the covers. "What if I don't want to?"

Yasuda inhaled sharply, and then began to shake in his arms. "You can't want this," Yasuda said, his voice trembling.

Ohkura pulled Yasuda closer until he held him against his chest. "What if I say I do?" Ohkura asked.

At first, Yasuda said nothing, and Ohkura's mind raced. He wondered if he had misinterpreted Yasuda because of his feelings. He was terrified of rejection -- that he would wake up tomorrow and have to pretend it was nothing but a dream. Ohkura could feel Yasuda against him, and savored the feeling of holding Yasuda as he feared it would be the last.

The silence was finally broken when Yasuda asked, "Is this a dream?"

In response, Ohkura pulled away from Yasuda. He let his fingertips trace the sides of Yasuda's face and along the bottom edge of his mouth. Unable to see a thing, Ohkura took a chance and leaned forward to kiss Yasuda gently on the lips.

"If this is a dream," Ohkura said, shifting to resume his hold on Yasuda, "I don't ever want to wake up."

Just as Ohkura fell asleep, he felt Yasuda embrace him and heard him say, "I don't want to wake up either."


When Ohkura awoke the next morning, there was a fearful moment when Ohkura was sure that it all was just a dream. For that moment, he felt absolutely miserable. But the moment passed as quickly as it had begun as Ohkura recognized a familiar warmth wrapped around him. He looked at the sleeping face on his pillow and smiled.

Ohkura untangled an arm and brought it up to stroke the side of Yasuda's face. Yasuda stirred under his touch and his eyes blinked open to the morning light.

Almost immediately, Yasuda stiffened at Ohkura's presence. A look of panic crossed his features, but Ohkura could see the glimmer of hope in his eyes.

Still smiling, Ohkura said, "It's not a dream." As Yasuda's eyes went wide, Ohkura leaned in and kissed him.

1864款式发表于:2007/6/4 20:10:00




1865XO发表于:2007/6/4 20:13:00


1866款式发表于:2007/6/4 20:15:00


1867款式发表于:2007/6/4 20:45:00





1868发表于:2007/6/4 21:26:00



1869款式发表于:2007/6/4 21:35:00


1870某J发表于:2007/6/4 22:33:00

下班回來…… = =;
今天上班的時候看歌詞越看越萌…… =w=

1871糖水年糕发表于:2007/6/4 22:38:00



么听到 T  T

1872某J发表于:2007/6/4 22:44:00

誰給我截安安那段出來? TAT
手機沒有快進…… = =

1873款式发表于:2007/6/4 22:47:00


1874某J发表于:2007/6/4 22:54:00

不過我現在拖到後面聽了…… Orz||||||||||

1875かちん发表于:2007/6/4 23:14:00

1876某J发表于:2007/6/4 23:31:00

Thx~~~ >3<
那段真的很好笑~~~ XDDDDDDDD

1877某J发表于:2007/6/4 23:42:00

1878かちん发表于:2007/6/5 0:06:00


讓我想起之前看過的某個文 也是愛子(女?)心切的yoko...XDDD

1879某J发表于:2007/6/5 0:30:00

yoko papa……

1880某J发表于:2007/6/5 0:43:00

