Welcome to Johnny's World



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楼主 ==2006/9/19 21:20:00


- 2 - 必填2006/9/19 21:21:00

Welcome to Johnny's World



- 2 - HA2006/9/19 21:21:00

Who are U???

- 2 - where2006/9/19 21:22:00

where are you from??

- 2 - XD2006/9/19 21:23:00

Welcome to Johnny's World
Kiss my foot!
Two cute little group: Ya-ya-yah! JJE!

- 2 - what2006/9/19 21:23:00

what can i do to make u love me!!!

- 2 - omg2006/9/19 21:23:00


- 2 - _ _2006/9/19 21:24:00


- 2 - .2006/9/19 21:24:00

I love my animal!

- 2 - ..2006/9/19 21:25:00

we are brother,who and who

- 2 - = =2006/9/19 21:25:00

This is a pen!

- 2 - ASK 5L2006/9/19 21:25:00


- 2 - ——2006/9/19 21:25:00

Kiss my foot!


- 2 - 子非鱼2006/9/19 21:26:00




  • RP:61
文:12 分:133

- 2 - X2006/9/19 21:27:00

i'm a vegetarian, so i don't eat animals. i only eat vegetables like tomatoes

- 2 - =2006/9/19 21:28:00

what's the purpose for open this 帖子?orz

- 2 - AKANISHI2006/9/19 21:28:00



- 2 - 。。。。2006/9/19 21:29:00

I love you so much to you!

- 2 - oh2006/9/19 21:29:00

It's time for english

- 2 - 57饭2006/9/19 21:30:00

Kiss my foot!




  • RP:6872
文:3420 分:16927

- 2 - wah~2006/9/19 21:30:00

Here is a fantasy land……

My English is so poor……

- 2 - orz2006/9/19 21:31:00

everyone just talk with themself=.=

- 2 - hahah2006/9/19 21:32:00



no no no themselves

- 2 - ^*^2006/9/19 21:32:00

let's have a party !hoho

- 2 - FL团饭2006/9/19 21:32:00




  • RP:178
文:63 分:410

- 2 - Jin chan2006/9/19 21:33:00

MAMA,I love U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- 2 - ^*^2006/9/19 21:34:00

23F,your English is sooooo good!

- 2 - HAHA2006/9/19 21:34:00


- 2 - 王道番茄2006/9/19 21:34:00

....So boring...

What you want to do?!

- 2 - AOkO2006/9/19 21:35:00

KIZUNA of us...

- 2 - aiyo2006/9/19 21:35:00


cute! 面白!

- 2 - = =2006/9/19 21:36:00

what are we talking about?  orz

- 2 - we are2006/9/19 21:37:00

talking nonsense here

- 2 - = =2006/9/19 21:37:00

AO ,ko KIZUNA of us...

- 2 - Jin2006/9/19 21:40:00

Hey, who wants to dance with me?come on,baby

- 2 - -2006/9/19 21:40:00

is it only for park?

- 2 - OYR2006/9/19 21:40:00

This is the favorite post I have ever seen today in XQ!!!

I mean what I say......

Could you understand me,LZ?

- 2 - - -2006/9/19 21:42:00

the best post of XQ.= =

- 2 - omg2006/9/19 21:43:00

this is the best post? I really can't understand you 37F

- 2 - 2006/9/19 21:43:00

AO ,ko KIZUNA of us...
impossible IS ANYTHING

- 2 - pass2006/9/19 21:44:00

what can i do to make u love me!!!


i just omit the word u. Orz

- 2 - YAMAP2006/9/19 21:44:00

Jin2006-9-19 21:40:00

Hey, who wants to dance with me?come on,baby


U a little style...

- 2 - OYR2006/9/19 21:45:00

How to say......

favorite doesn't mean best anyway

- 2 - FL团饭2006/9/19 21:45:00

AO ,ko KIZUNA of us...
impossible IS ANYTHING
nothing impossible——adidas



  • RP:178
文:63 分:410

- 2 - haha2006/9/19 21:45:00

what can i do to make u love me!!!


i just omit the word u. Orz


second floor, u r so cute - - i can't stop laughing

- 2 - ==2006/9/19 21:45:00

i wish i know how to quit u, XQ

- 2 - haha2006/9/19 21:46:00

favorite doesn't mean best anyway


well sorry i mean 38F

- 2 - Ӣӯ?2006/9/19 21:46:00


- 2 - 492006/9/19 21:47:00


- 2 - oh2006/9/19 21:47:00

A so good tiezi to practice English

- 2 - OYR2006/9/19 21:48:00

Don't quit,just forget.....maybe easier

- 2 - forget?2006/9/19 21:50:00

how can I forget abt XQ?

- 2 - ORZ2006/9/19 21:50:00

I am soooo agree with 50FMM.

- 2 - OYR2006/9/19 21:51:00

Just go to bed.

- 2 - pear fat2006/9/19 21:52:00

Im here!Im here!

- 2 - = =2006/9/19 21:54:00

what can i do to make u love me!!!


i just omit the word u. Orz


me too...

- 2 - humours2006/9/19 21:55:00

A so good tiezi to practice English
it is also very good to practice pingyin

- 2 - HAHA2006/9/19 21:56:00


- 2 - =V=2006/9/19 21:56:00

Why did LZ black English?

We are Chinese We should speak Chinese

I am a FQ

- 2 - OYR2006/9/19 21:57:00

Minna all love English so much!!!!

I am so excited......

- 2 - good2006/9/19 21:58:00

it is a very interesting post

let's talk about our idol with english ,how do you think about this idea

- 2 - ==2006/9/19 21:59:00

become boring..anyone got idea wat to talk about?

- 2 - 592006/9/19 21:59:00

because LZ is a FQ too,so he black English

then we hate English and we will love Chinese more and more......

- 2 - hot2006/9/19 21:59:00

this post is so hot

- 2 - talk2006/9/19 22:00:00

about idol in english? ok no problem

- 2 - = =2006/9/19 22:01:00

it is a very interesting post

let's talk about our idol with english ,how do you think about this idea


who shall we talk about? park? orz ..

- 2 - = =2006/9/19 22:01:00

When seeing this title,i really had no idea about what it is.

When stepping in,i am nearly faint.

That's what is so-called "wan neng de XQ"!

- 2 - ye2006/9/19 22:01:00

It's a sad sad world,idols can't get merried,

Johnny is freak,

but without this freak Johnny's,I won't meet him...

soooooooo contradictory...

- 2 - MAYBE2006/9/19 22:02:00

First we should talk about how long we have spent in XQ today.

Me_three hours and thirty-seven minutes

- 2 - Johnny san2006/9/19 22:02:00

jimmy baby,where r u?

we need u so much!!

- 2 - good idea2006/9/19 22:03:00

because LZ is a FQ too,so he black English

then we hate English and we will love Chinese more and more......


big Thumb!

- 2 - ==2006/9/19 22:03:00

ok then,for all the mums here, whose ur sons r?

- 2 - =V=2006/9/19 22:03:00

because LZ is a FQ too,so he black English

then we hate English and we will love Chinese more and more......


Your explaination is very good

Perhaps you are LZ???

- 2 - happy2006/9/19 22:03:00

xq is a good place for studying english

i ask my children to come here to study

- 2 - ask2006/9/19 22:05:00

when can we lock this post

- 2 - OYR2006/9/19 22:05:00

I should confiem again,no one will buy him a cock?

I mean true

- 2 - ask too2006/9/19 22:05:00

what do we do here

- 2 - oh2006/9/19 22:05:00

Me_three hours and thirty-seven minutes

- 2 - oh2006/9/19 22:06:00

Me_three hours and thirty-seven minutes


well me is abt 5 hours

- 2 - =V=2006/9/19 22:06:00

MR.Johnnys! please talk about that who is your favorite person and Why

- 2 - destiny2006/9/19 22:06:00

First we should talk about how long we have spent in XQ today.

Me_three hours and thirty-seven minutes


not too long....just 3 minutes...

- 2 - haha2006/9/19 22:06:00

xq is a good place for studying english

i ask my children to come here to study


that's good idea

It said that my son was very interested in english.

Maybe i should tell him come here.XDDDDDD

- 2 - OYR2006/9/19 22:07:00

nonono,I am of course not LZ,she is brighter than me anyway

- 2 - yeah2006/9/19 22:08:00

english is popular in china

what we said is difficult to understand for the foreigners

but we can understand each other

i am proud of our english level

- 2 - shhhh2006/9/19 22:09:00

MR.Johnnys! please talk about that who is your favorite person and Why



- 2 - NOW2006/9/19 22:09:00

who will be the first one to eat crab?

talk about her son

- 2 - destiny2006/9/19 22:09:00

xq is a good place for studying english

i ask my children to come here to study


i suggest you firt telling your children(more than one ? are you chinese? please obey the one-child policy)what's the meaning of BL and kizuna.

- 2 - en2006/9/19 22:09:00

MR.Johnnys! please talk about that who is your favorite person and Why
I wanna know that as well, but that will be a secret forever!

- 2 - xixi2006/9/19 22:09:00

xq is a good place for studying english

i ask my children to come here to study


that's good idea

It said that my son was very interested in english.

Maybe i should tell him come here.XDDDDDD


i will ask my daughter to come here,too

please wait for me

let's go together,shall we?

- 2 - =V=2006/9/19 22:09:00

xq is a good place for studying english

i ask my children to come here to study


good idea!I think our sons should learn from us

we all love using English so much!!

- 2 - I have2006/9/19 22:11:00

who will be the first one to eat crab?

talk about her son


no son,but a daughter

- 2 - ORZ2006/9/19 22:11:00

everyone is so scared to talk about sth. true in XQ,even in English......

- 2 - i2006/9/19 22:11:00

i have a dream that oneday,  i could see kamenashi in japan. at that time , i will speak a lot of english in extreme speed, then  burst in to laugh and shout:"哇哈哈哈哈,小样你果然英语米有偶强啊!!“

- 2 - destiny2006/9/19 22:12:00

everyone is so scared to talk about sth. true in XQ,even in English......


what?? please tell me

- 2 - xixi2006/9/19 22:12:00

xq is a good place for studying english

i ask my children to come here to study


i suggest you firt telling your children(more than one ? are you chinese? please obey the one-child policy)what's the meaning of BL and kizuna.


i'm my parent's only chilid

so is my husband

why can we have two children 

- 2 - hehe2006/9/19 22:13:00

why can we have two children 


why can't we have two child

- 2 - shhhh2006/9/19 22:13:00

everyone is so scared to talk about sth. true in XQ,even in English......


u mean the secret that。。。 u know who

- 2 - 93L2006/9/19 22:13:00

you are so strong!!!!!

I admire you so much......

- 2 - destiny2006/9/19 22:14:00

i have a dream that oneday,  i could see kamenashi in japan. at that time , i will speak a lot of english in extreme speed, then  burst in to laugh and shout:"哇哈哈哈哈,小样你果然英语米有偶强啊!!“


please say this to jin.....he will appreciate it coz he had declared his love to english long long ago.

- 2 - ???2006/9/19 22:16:00

turn over the page??

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